Ep. 41: Listening Closely


About This Episode

How often do we genuinely hear what our bodies are trying to tell us, unless we're hungry or in pain? In this solo edition of the lab, you'll learn how tuning into your body with the same openness and curiosity you’d offer a close friend can elevate every area of your life—from enhancing performance and improving recovery to enriching overall well-being.

I introduce a transformative practice called pendulation—a method that teaches us to oscillate our awareness between discomfort and neutral or pleasant sensations, cultivating presence and a deeper understanding of our body’s signals. It’s not just theory; it’s a practical skill used by top performers to optimize their health and performance. Ready to reconnect with the incredible intelligence of your physical form? This discussion could be a game-changer.

Interested in taking this practice one step further? I’ve created a guided pendulation practice that complements the technique discussed in today’s episode!


Ep. 42: Shift Happens: Jeff Siegel on Mastering Life’s Big Moments


Ep. 40: Lessons from Legends: Stories of Performance with Dr. Duncan Simpson and Dr. Greg Young